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Can I Receive Workers’ Comp and SSDI?

Mark E. Moreland, Attorney at Law July 18, 2019

A workplace injury is bad enough, but when it means you are unable to work for a considerable amount of time, you and your family may face hardships and struggle. Of course, workers’ compensation covers some of your lost income as well as your medical bills related to your accident.

However, what can you do if your employer’s insurer is disputing your claim for compensation? Additionally, what if your workplace injury will leave you unable to work for a year or longer? Can you claim Social Security Disability while you are receiving workers’ compensation benefits?

What Is the Difference Between Workers’ Comp and Disability?

Workers’ compensation covers your medical bills and lost wages if you should suffer an injury or illness related to your employment. This system often makes it unnecessary for you to take action in civil court to obtain compensation after a workplace accident.

You may be eligible for permanent or temporary disability benefits through your workers’ compensation if a workplace accident or illness prevents you from returning to your normal job. However, disability benefits through the Social Security Administration can provide funds for a qualifying illness or injury even if your condition is not related to your employment. You will have to meet the SSA’s criteria for a disability, which includes the following:

  • You have contributed to the SSA through your paychecks for the required amount of time.

  • You have a medical condition that meets the SSA’s standards for a disability.

  • Your doctors have diagnosed your medical condition as terminal.

  • If your medical condition is not terminal, your physician expects it will prevent you from working for at least one year.

It is possible that your condition meets these qualifications and relates to your job. However, if you plan to seek benefits both from the SSA and from your workers’ compensation insurance provider, you should know that this is not always an easy task.

Reach out For Help

You may find that you have to provide persuasive evidence of your illness or injury to two separate entities, and if you are successful, your workers’ compensation payments may be lower than if you did not receive SSDI. To ensure you receive the maximum amount of compensation you deserve, you will want to explore every available resource. This may include the services of an experienced Missouri attorney.